We’re big fans of home staging before selling because it helps homes sell faster and for more money.

Staged homes look better in photos, which is how most Buyers first see the home they eventually buy.


How much does home staging cost in Denver?

Staging can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars if you do it yourself, to $10,000 or more for a large or vacant home. The cost depends on what services are provided.

Should I stage my home myself or hire a pro?

You will certainly see the benefits of a professional stager’s expertise and they will save you time and more than likely, money, in the end.

Who pays for staging when selling a home?

In most cases, the Seller pays although sometimes, the agent may pay for the consultation. Some agents provide full complimentary professional staging depending on the level of service you have agreed to.

Is it better to sell a home empty or staged?

While the answer depends on the home and circumstances, it’s been proven that staged homes sell faster and for more money than unstaged homes. Vacant homes make it hard for a Buyer to visualize themselves in. They wonder: where does the TV go? How big of a bed fits into the bedroom? How could I use that basement? Staging helps answer those questions for Buyers. If you can’t stage your entire vacant home, consider focusing on just the principal rooms. Exception: homes that are being sold as “fixer-uppers” are usually best left as a blank palette. Most Sellers, after seeing their homes staged, wish they had always lived that way.

Should I stage my home? Is it worth it?

Staged homes sell faster and for more money – the two things that Sellers are most concerned about. Whether you take it on yourself or hire a professional Stager, the investment you make in staging will pay you back.

*staging photos above by Pineapple Interiors.